Fusing Molecules: A Breakthrough for Safer Lithium-ion Batteries

A team of researchers at Cornell University has made a significant breakthrough in the development of safer lithium-ion batteries. By fusing together two distinct molecular structures, the researchers created a porous crystal that has the ability to uptake lithium-ion electrolytes and transport them efficiently through one-dimensional nanochannels. This innovative design could pave the way for the production of solid-state lithium-ion batteries that are inherently safer than their liquid electrolyte counterparts.

The traditional lithium-ion batteries used in various technologies rely on liquid electrolytes to shuttle ions between the battery’s anode and cathode. However, these liquid electrolytes can form dendrites that can cause short circuits or even explosions. In contrast, solid-state batteries offer enhanced safety features but face the challenge of slower ion mobility within the solid material.

To overcome this challenge, the researchers at Cornell designed a crystal that is porous enough to allow ions to move through a smooth pathway with weak interactions. The crystal consists of fused macrocycle-cage molecules, combining macrocycles with intrinsic pores and molecular cages that resemble their name. These molecules self-assemble into larger, three-dimensional crystals that are nanoporous, with one-dimensional channels ideal for ion transport.

The resulting crystal demonstrated impressive ionic conductivity, a record high for solid-state lithium-ion-conducting electrolytes. Further analysis of the crystal’s structure and interactions with lithium ions was conducted through scanning transmission electron microscopy and simulations.

Beyond the potential applications in lithium-ion batteries, this fused molecule approach could also be applied to water purification and the creation of mixed ion-electron-conducting structures for bioelectronic circuits and sensors.

Moving forward, the researchers aim to continue exploring the synthesis and assembly of different molecules to create new nanoporous materials with diverse applications. This breakthrough opens doors to further advancements in sustainable energy storage technologies and underscores the importance of molecular design in facilitating safe and efficient ion transport.


1. What did the researchers at Cornell University achieve?
– The researchers at Cornell University developed a porous crystal by fusing two molecular structures. This crystal can efficiently uptake and transport lithium-ion electrolytes, which could potentially lead to the production of safer solid-state lithium-ion batteries.

2. What is the traditional electrolyte used in lithium-ion batteries?
– The traditional electrolyte used in lithium-ion batteries is a liquid electrolyte.

3. What are the safety concerns associated with liquid electrolytes?
– Liquid electrolytes can form dendrites, which can cause short circuits or explosions in lithium-ion batteries.

4. What are the safety advantages of solid-state batteries?
– Solid-state batteries offer enhanced safety features compared to batteries with liquid electrolytes.

5. What is the main challenge faced by solid-state batteries?
– The main challenge faced by solid-state batteries is slower ion mobility within the solid material.

6. How did the researchers at Cornell overcome the challenge of slower ion mobility?
– The researchers at Cornell designed a porous crystal that allows ions to move through smooth pathways with weak interactions. This crystal consists of fused macrocycle-cage molecules that self-assemble into larger, nanoporous crystals with ideal one-dimensional channels for ion transport.

7. What was the result of the crystal’s ionic conductivity?
– The resulting crystal demonstrated impressive ionic conductivity, setting a record high for solid-state lithium-ion-conducting electrolytes.

8. What other potential applications can be derived from this fused molecule approach?
– Besides lithium-ion batteries, this fused molecule approach can also be applied to water purification and the creation of mixed ion-electron-conducting structures for bioelectronic circuits and sensors.


1. Lithium-ion battery: A type of rechargeable battery where lithium ions move between the anode and cathode during charge and discharge cycles.

2. Porous: Having small openings or holes that allow substances to pass through.

3. Dendrites: Branch-like structures that can form in liquid electrolytes and cause short circuits or explosions in lithium-ion batteries.

4. Solid-state battery: A type of battery where both the electrolyte and electrodes are solid materials.

5. Ion mobility: The ability of ions to move within a material.

6. Nanoporous: Having openings or pores at the nanoscale level.

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Cornell University
Lithium-ion battery
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