Solid-State Batteries: Uncovering the Unpredictable Behavior of Ions Through Laser Light

Solid-state batteries have long been a topic of interest for researchers due to their potential in revolutionizing energy storage technology. These batteries rely on ions flowing through a solid electrolyte to store and release charge. While this flow of ions appears smooth and predictable on a macroscopic scale, a new study reveals the erratic behavior of individual ions at an atomic level.

In a groundbreaking experiment, researchers from SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University, Oxford University, and Newcastle University used pulses of laser light to jolt the hopping ions within the solid electrolyte. Surprisingly, most of the ions briefly reversed their direction and returned to their previous positions before continuing their random travels. This observation indicates that the ions have a form of memory, remembering their previous locations.

Andrey D. Poletayev, a postdoctoral researcher from Oxford University, compares the behavior of the ions to a mixture of cornstarch and water. Like cornstarch, the ions resist sudden movements caused by the laser light, exhibiting a temporary solid-like behavior.

Understanding the ions’ “fuzzy memory” lasting only billionths of a second provides valuable insights for scientists. This newfound knowledge enables researchers to predict the next actions of traveling ions, a crucial factor in the development of novel materials.

The study employed thin, transparent crystals of a solid electrolyte known as beta-aluminas, which are renowned for their high conductivity and safety compared to liquid electrolytes. By analyzing the time intervals between laser pulses and measurements, the researchers could discern precisely how the ions’ speed and preferred direction changed after being jolted by the laser.

Professor Aaron Lindenberg from SLAC and Stanford University highlights the complex and unusual nature of the ion hopping process. Rather than an immediate response, the ions exhibit random and delayed movements, making these experiments challenging. The previous understanding of ions’ travel as a “random walk” on a macroscopic scale is proven inaccurate at the atomic level.

The atomic-scale discoveries achieved in this study present new opportunities to bridge the gap between computer simulations of atomic motions and a material’s macroscopic performance. Further advancements in understanding ion behavior will contribute to the development of highly efficient solid-state batteries, paving the way for more reliable and sustainable energy storage solutions.

The research was primarily funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science, with contributions from various academic institutions.


1. What are solid-state batteries?
Solid-state batteries are a type of energy storage technology that relies on ions flowing through a solid electrolyte to store and release charge.

2. What is the new finding about individual ions in solid-state batteries?
A groundbreaking study has discovered that individual ions in solid-state batteries exhibit erratic behavior at an atomic level. When jolted by pulses of laser light, the ions briefly reverse their direction and return to their previous positions before continuing their random travels, indicating a form of memory.

3. How is the behavior of ions compared to in the study?
The behavior of the ions is compared to a mixture of cornstarch and water. Similar to cornstarch, the ions resist sudden movements caused by the laser light, exhibiting solid-like behavior temporarily.

4. How can the newfound knowledge about ions’ behavior be beneficial?
Understanding ions’ fleeting memory and predicting their next actions provides valuable insights for scientists and aids in the development of novel materials. It contributes to the advancement of highly efficient solid-state batteries.

5. What type of solid electrolyte was used in the study?
The study employed thin, transparent crystals of a solid electrolyte called beta-aluminas. These electrolytes are known for their high conductivity and safety compared to liquid electrolytes.

6. Who funded the research?
The research was primarily funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science, with contributions from various academic institutions.


1. Solid-state batteries: Energy storage devices that utilize ions flowing through a solid electrolyte to store and release charge, with potential for revolutionizing energy storage technology.

2. Solid electrolyte: A material that allows the flow of ions while remaining in a solid state, used in solid-state batteries as a medium for storing and releasing charge.

3. Ions: Charged particles that are essential for the flow of electricity. In the context of solid-state batteries, ions refer to the particles responsible for storing and releasing charge within the solid electrolyte.

Suggested related links:
1. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
2. Stanford University
3. Oxford University
4. Newcastle University